Cốc Cốc AI Chat: Your Vietnamese all-knowing browser assistant

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Your Vietnamese all-knowing browser assistant

Ask Cốc Cốc AI Chat anything you need

AI Chat GPT-3.5 on Cốc Cốc can offer practical assistance with things that you don't even expect.
Try some interesting prompts below!

AI Chat prompt to create meal plan

Create your meal plan

Can you create a 7-day meal/diet plan with Vietnamese food for a person who needs to consume 2,000 calories per day?
AI Chat prompt to get shopping assistance

Act as your shopping assistant

What are the best laptops under 20,000,000 VND?
AI Chat prompt to plan workout routine

Plan your workout routine

Can you create an 1-hour daily workout plan for a 25-year-old woman to lose 10kg in 4 months?
AI Chat prompt to get personalized recommendations

Provide personalized recommendations

Can you write a dating profile for me, highlighting my interests or personality in a way that is likely to attract adventurous and open-minded individuals?
AI Chat prompt to get entertainment recommendations

Get entertainment recommendations

Can you suggest some good romantic comedy movies from the 2000s?
AI Chat prompt for solutions, advice

Search for solutions, advice

How can I effectively balance my family responsibilities and make time for self-care?
AI Chat prompt to help with school work

Help with school work

Use an electric kettle with 220V voltage to boil 2 liters of water from 25°C. Calculate the time to boil water, providing that the efficiency of the kettle is 90% and the specific heat capacity of the water is 4190J/kgK.
AI Chat prompt to generate creative ideas

Generate creative ideas

Can you give me creative ideas on how I can organize a birthday party for my 1-year old son?
AI Chat prompt to prepare for interview

Prepare for interview

Can you simulate a job interview for a Marketing Manager by asking and answering questions as if you are a potential employer?
AI Chat prompt to summarize books, long articles

Summarize books, long articles

Can you write a summary of Chí phèo story?
AI Chat prompt to create content

Support content creation

Please write a poem for my mom's birthday describing how much I love her and give her best wishes.
AI Chat prompt to translate text for 95 languages

Translate text for 95 languages

Can you translate "..." to English?
); } ); }

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Cốc Cốc AI Chat



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