Do everything you like
on Cốc Cốc desktop browser

With tailor-made features for Vietnamese, Cốc Cốc web browser takes you anywhere on the internet faster, more securely, and more conveniently.

Do everything you like  on Cốc Cốc desktop browser

Pros of using Cốc Cốc browser

Our web analytics technology is constantly optimized to block ads effectively and minimize page loading time. You browse the web 2X faster.
Exclusive 3-layer protection with the ability to block malicious ads, display warnings about dangerous websites, and verify official websites of companies or brands.
No need to install additional software, Cốc Cốc has all handy built-in features for you.
Chat on the sidebar and multitask better

Chat on the sidebar and multitask better

Cốc Cốc integrates popular messengers such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Skype, and Zalo, on the sidebar. Chat and share files immediately.
Update daily news on the new tab page

Update daily news on the new tab page

Read news from over 200 Vietnamese news sources in one place. Personalize your news feed by choosing topics to follow or hiding articles that don't match your interests.
Convert units quickly

Convert units quickly

With Unit converter feature of Cốc Cốc, you only need to select the numeric value and its accompanied unit to instantly convert foreign currencies, units of measurement.
Provide language support for Vietnamese

Provide language support for Vietnamese

You're unsure about the meaning of an English or Chinese word, or about how to correctly spell a Vietnamese word? Simply click that word to use Dictionary or Spell check feature of Cốc Cốc browser.
Download torrent directly with browser

Download torrent directly with browser

Download large files such as movies, music and games with just one click on the torrent link. No need for complicated customizations or installing additional software.
Sync Cốc Cốc on your desktop and mobile

Sync Cốc Cốc on your desktop and mobile

Cốc Cốc is available on all your devices. To get the same bookmarks, history, passwords, open tabs, and other settings on whichever device you use, turn on Sync.

Explore the features of Cốc Cốc desktop browser

Understand more about Cốc Cốc, get more things done.
Rủng Rỉnh
Rủng Rỉnh
Get cashback when shopping online
Safe browsing: Verify website
Safe browsing: Verify website
Display Green lock icon for official websites
Safe browsing: Unsafe website warnings
Safe browsing: Unsafe website warnings
Display warnings about unsafe websites
Auto skip ads
Auto skip ads
Automatically click Skip ads button on YouTube
Pin video
Pin video
Continue watching video in floating window while multitasking
Search tabs
Search tabs
Quickly search for a tab in browser window
Dark mode
Dark mode
Stay more focused when browsing in dark theme
It's easy toswitch to Cốc CốcWhen you open Cốc Cốc for the first time, we'll guide you how to import your bookmarks, passwords, and important settings from your previous browser to Cốc Cốc. Just in a minute, switch now.

It's easy to
switch to Cốc Cốc

When you open Cốc Cốc for the first time, we'll guide you how to import your bookmarks, passwords, and important settings from your previous browser to Cốc Cốc. Just in a minute, switch now.

What users say about Cốc Cốc

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